Episode 3

Published on:

16th Oct 2021

Be You or is that Bad Advice?

Just Be You?

When someone tells you to just be you, how does that sound? In this episode, I break down what being you means. It's time to shift the paradigm and no longer Just Be You. You are always more than that.

What does it mean when you are just you?

And stay tuned for upcoming episodes that show you have to navigate your most authentic and rock star self.


  • Why I won't tell you to be you
  • How to encourage someone to move out of the comfortable zone
  • Why being uncomfortable takes you to your next level self
  • Be You if you are not settling for where you think you should be
  • How you stay stuck in the you YOU may not want to be stuck in
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About the Podcast

Tried and TRU with Caroline
Welcome to Tried and TRU with Caroline. A go to inspirational platform for your wellness evolution and entrepreneurial revolution. Weekly I will dive deep into topics like lunar energy, self-care, hypnotherapy, mindset, manifestation, yoga, energy healing, and more. This podcast is all about empowering you with actionable doses of sustainable practices sure to create ritual daily magic. Caroline cosmically combines her teachings with practical, actionable steps, that will empower change, creating abundant ripple effects across the airwaves.

About your host

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caroline wong